
Prof. Dr. Michael Moseler
Principal Investigator Research Areas A, B and C
Full Professor, Modeling of Functional Nanosystems
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics | Institute for Physics
University of Freiburg
Groups Leader, Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials, Freiburg
Phone: +49 761 5142 332
Areas of Expertise
Computational materials science | Atomistic simulations | Quantum chemistry | Multiscale materials modelling | Nanocatalysis
Projects within livMatS
- Chemistry of triboelectric materials (TriboGen-Chem)
- Studying the properties of lipids and lipid surfaces for usage in triboelectric nano-generators and beyond
This project is carried out within the the Cluster’s Agnes Pockels Doctoral Fellowship Program. - Inorganic and Organic SolStore
- Interfaces, charge-transfer and non-adiabatic processes and their exploitation in a frequency-tunable tribogenerator
Doctoral Researchers (first supervisor)
Publications in livMatS
- Mechanochemical Activation of Anthracene [4+4] Cycloadducts*
Walter, M., Linsler, D., König, T., Gäbert, C., Reinicke, S., Moseler, M., & Mayrhofer, L. (2023). Mechanochemical Activation of Anthracene [4+4] Cycloadducts. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 14, 1445−1451. doi: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.2c03493 - Interplay of mechanics and chemistry governs wear of diamond-like carbon coatings interacting with ZDDP-additivated lubricants
Ruiz, V. R. S., Kuwahara, T., Galipaud, J., Masenelli-Varlot, K., Hassine, M. B., Héau, C., Stoll, M., Mayrhofer, L., Moras, G., Martin, J. M., Moseler, M., & de Barros Bouchet, M. I. (2021). Interplay of mechanics and chemistry governs wear of diamond-like carbon coatings interacting with ZDDP-additivated lubricants. Nature Communications, 12(1), 1-15. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-24766-6 - Steric Effects Control Dry Friction of H- and F-Terminated Carbon Surfaces*
Reichenbach, T., Mayrhofer, L., Kuwahara, T., Moseler, M., & Moras, G. (2020). Steric Effects Control Dry Friction of H-and F-Terminated Carbon Surfaces. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12(7), 8805-8816. doi: 10.1021/acsami.9b18019
* Funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under Germany's Excellence Strategy – EXC-2193/1 – 390951807