livMatS Core Lecture | Olga Speck | Biomimetics, bioinspiration, biomimicry, life-likeness. What do they have in common and how do they differ?

In recent decades, the systematic transfer of knowledge from biological models to technical applications has received increasing attention. This also applies to the vision of the Cluster of Excellence Living, Adaptive and Energy-autonomous Material Systems (livMatS), which aims to combine the best of two worlds—nature and technology. In this context, terms such as biomimetics, bio-inspiration, biomimicry and life-likeness have been coined. All of these terms describe the flow of ideas from biology to technology and sound similar, but differ considerably in detail.
The learning objectives of the lecture are to understand the body plans of plants as models for technical applications and to get to know the two systematic biomimetic approaches (ISO guidelines). Together we will look for characteristics to distinguish between biomimetics, bioinspiration, biomimicry and life-likeness.