livmatS Colloquium | Dr. Felix Löffler (Max Planck Institut for Colloids and Interfaces) | Additive chemical nanomanufacturing
We have developed a nanolayer additive printing technology using laser transfer. It enables layer-by-layer printing of at room temperature solid polymers without solvents, but with the possibility for various additives. The process allows single nanometer layer resolution and continuous thickness gradients. We demonstrate the fabrication of optical devices and applications in 4D printing, where the temporal response of nanostructures to external stimuli can be programmed by selectively printing different material types and thicknesses [1]. The method is based on our 2D laser-induced forward transfer approach [2], which we use for surface functionalization, parallel chemical synthesis, and biomedical screening [3]. Furthermore, our platform enables parallel laser flash synthesis of materials such as defined metal oxide nanoparticles [4] and fluorescent carbon nanodots [5].
[1] submitted
[2] Adv Mater 2022, 34, 2108493
[3] Adv Mater 2022, 34, 2200359
[4] Nat Commun 2021, 12, 3224
[5] Nat Nanotechnol 2023, 18, 1027–1035
Brief Bio
Felix Loeffler is a group leader at the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces in Potsdam. His multidisciplinary research focuses on nanoprinting and nanomaterials, as well as chemical and material synthesis technologies, involving lasers, with applications in high-throughput synthesis and biomedical screening. His objective is to map the chemical reactions space and identify novel catalysts and biomarkers. He studied physics and obtained his interdisciplinary doctorate from the University of Heidelberg and the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ). Prior to his current position, he was a postdoctoral researcher at KIT and UC Berkeley in engineering, infectious disease research, and biochemistry.