News & Press
Application Deadlines Extended
Potential candidates can still apply for the cluster's junior research programs until 10 April 2020

livMatS strives to promote excellent young researchers and support gender equality in research. For this reason, the cluster announced the "Agnes Pockels Junior Research Program" and the "livMatS Junior Research Group Program" in December 2019. livMatS has now extended the application period for both programs. Candidates can still submit their applications until 10 April 2020.
One million euros in funding over five years
Female scientists are underrepresented in the STEM fields, particularly at the junior research group level. livMatS has set itself the task of promoting early scientific independence of excellent female researchers. The "Agnes Pockels Junior Research Program" targets female candidates who have already been working as postdocs for three to five years. They will have the opportunity to establish their own junior research group from autumn 2020 and will receive up to one million euros in funding over five years.
The same funding opportunity is also available in the "livMatS Junior Research Group Program", which targets female and male researchers. Applicants must also have worked as a postdoctoral researcher for three to five years.
Interdisciplinary research, modern infrastructure
In both programs, the future junior research group leader receives the status of a Principal Investigator in livMatS. The cluster's research program is characterized by a high degree of interdisciplinarity. The future junior research groups should make a significant contribution to at least one of the four research areas of the cluster.
In addition to these positions, livMatS has published an open call for the "Agnes Pockels Doctoral Fellowship Program" and for a "Hermann Staudinger Doctoral Fellowship". Graduates can apply until 26 April 2020.
livMatS offers young scientists a modern laboratory infrastructure and state-of-the-art facilities at the Freiburg Center for Interactive Materials and Bioinspired Technologies (FIT). In addition, there is the opportunity to cooperate with partners at the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (ISE) and the Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials (IWM) and to participate in the young scientists' qualification programs at the University of Freiburg.