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Orientation for Academic Careers
Young scientists exchange views on central topics of everyday research at the second boot camp of the livMatS cluster

The young researchers practised explaining their research briefly and convincingly in a pitch.
How does good scientific practice look like? What role does the diversity of people play for cooperation in everyday research? And which methods help one to write a scientific publication? These and other questions addressed the second livMatS Boot Camp, which brought together young researchers from the cluster in mid-January.
On the agenda was a contribution by Dr. Aniela Knoblich and Felix Wittenzellner from the Gender and Diversity Unit at the University of Freiburg, which highlighted the various dimensions of diversity. Knoblich and Wittenzellner made it clear in the session that diversity also has great potential for research itself and that an interdisciplinary environment offers particular opportunities to increase diversity: "If you include the perspectives of different disciplines, it is more likely that your research as a whole will also become more inclusive," Knoblich explained to the participants.

A session at the livMatS Boot Camp highlighted the dimensions of diversity.
After a lecture by Dr. Christopher von der Does on "Good Scientific Practice", the focus was on interdisciplinary exchange. The young scientists practiced explaining their research briefly and convincingly. The session was modelled on the so-called elevator pitch, in which a product or idea is presented in one to three minutes. "For me, this exercise was enriching, as I now feel much more confident in getting to the heart of my research as vividly as possible," says Stefan Conrad, a doctoral researcher in the "Demonstrators" area. Similar to the livMatS pitch, trainer Dr. Djahane Banoo was also concerned with comprehensibility and making people curious. In a workshop, she taught participants the basics of scientific publishing and writing.